Tosa Amato
What is Tosa Amato?

Tosa Amato
Tosa amatou is a vegetable grown mainly in Nankoku City, Yusuhara Town, and Tsuno Town, Kochi Prefecture. It is a kind of chili pepper, Amanaga Togarashi. It’s also called “jumbo shishito” because of its size.
It is one of the Kochi vegetables and its official name is “Ama-to Bijin” (sweet pepper beauty).
It is characterized by its glossy green pepper-like appearance and a texture similar to that of shishito or Manganji chili peppers. It is grown in greenhouses, both in flat and mountainous areas, and is shipped throughout the year.
It has thick, soft flesh, little pungency or bitterness, and good eating quality.
It is suitable for various cooking methods such as grilling, frying, deep-frying, and simmering.
Recommended cooking methods:
Grilled whole and topped with dried bonito flakes, ginger and soy sauce.
Stir-fry with chirimenjako (dried baby sardines) and shiitake mushrooms.