What is Nukadoko?

Nukadoko is, made by lactic acid fermentation of “bran” and used to make “Nukamiso zuke” or “Nuka-zuke” (Japanese pickles). It is made by adding salt, chili peppers, etc. to rice bran.
Kelp, dried bonito flakes, dried sardines, dried shiitake mushrooms, etc. are sometimes added to add flavor.
When making a new “Nukadoko”, discarded vegetables (scraps and discarded parts of vegetables) are dipped to promote lactic acid fermentation and acclimate the Nukadoko.
The “nukadoko” is then cared for by stirring it daily, and cucumbers and eggplants are pickled in it, allowing the “nukadoko” to mature.
To further improve the taste, some long-established eel stores, grocery stores, and other places that have been using matured nukadoko for a long time may share some of their nukadoko and add it to the new nukadoko (nukadoko sharing).