Mugitoro gohan
What is Mugitoro gohan?

Mugitoro gohan
Mugitoro gohan (麦とろごはん) is rice topped with tororo soup (ground yam (tororo), soup stock, egg, etc.),
It is made by pouring grated yam soup (grated yam, soup stock, egg, etc. added to the yam) over barley rice. It is also called “mugitoro,” “mugitoromeshi,” “tororomeshi,” “tororodon,” or “yamakake gohan.
To explain how to make “Mugitoro Gohan” in more detail, first peeled yams are grated using a mortar and pestle, then soup stock and other ingredients such as eggs are added, and miso or soy sauce, etc. are added for seasoning. When it is ready, it is served over barley rice.
The type of yam, how it is grated, what is added (soup stock, miso soup, eggs, etc.), and seasoning (red miso, white miso, soy sauce, mirin, etc.) vary from region to region, restaurant to restaurant, and household to household.
Mugitorogohan as a specialty
Mugitoro-gohan is a specialty of Marukojuku (Maruko, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Prefecture) on the old Tokaido Highway, Matsushiro-cho, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture, Kawagoe Highway (Fujimino City, Saitama Prefecture), Yoro Gorge (Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture), Ota City, Gunma Prefecture, and in Sendai, Mugitoro gohan is an unmissable menu item along with the specialty “beef tongue”.

Mugitoro gohan (mugitoro) served with Sendai’s famous “beef tongue” (gyutan)