Sukugarasu Dofu
What is Sukugarasu Dofu?

Sukugarasu Dofu
Sukugarasu tofu is made by placing ‘sukugarasu’, a salted Mottled spinefoot known as ‘Aigo’ fish in Japan classified in the suborder Nizadai of the sea bass family, family Aigo, on a bed of tofu (Shimadofu, island tofu).
Local dish of Okinawa. One of Okinawa’s local foods. One of the most popular snacks for Okinawan drinkers, who eat the island tofu with the salty taste of the sukugarasu.
The ‘suku’ in sukugalas means juvenile fish of ‘Mottled spinefoot’ in Okinawa, while ‘kalass (galass)’ is an Okinawan word meaning salted. It is made by salting the sukku caught during the summer high tide and maturing it for several months to a year.